End of one week. Beginning of another. THE COURAGE INSIDE.

A day came this past week that many marked as a new day. A day that new leadership was established. The most prevalent part of this new day was not the transformation of one power to the next, but the difference between how this new power showed up. The most prevalent part was having the courage to lead with conviction in compassion and truth vs. conviction in covering up.

The difference was operating as a whole BODY vs. a some BODY. 

Leadership does not come from the mind. Strategy comes from the mind. Leadership comes from the heart. Leadership is courage. When we lead with the heart, we can drive effective transformation and change because the heart is our long-lasting connection point to movement with others.

However, Courage is often unseen and unheard. Courage resides in our depth. Courage is finding access to our deepest vulnerabilities and exposing them and sometimes it is the simple act of exposing them to ourselves. However, to uncover these vulnerabilities, these fears, these inhibitors, these feelings that are constantly swimming but never finding either a destination or a release is how courage transforms itself to our individual truth.

Our truth is our stories, our energy, and its only in standing in it that our attraction becomes real vs. surreal. Truth is always our connection point. It is our access to others and their access to us. Truth is our transformation in ways that are seen and are heard.

The courage we give to ourselves is the enCOURAGEment we give to others.

With that, the quote of the week:

“When day comes we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid, The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it.” – Amanda Gorman


Christina Liedtke